Oct 30, 2023Liked by Joe Hill

Quantifying my feelings via the horror math featured in PLUNGE: (HILL + COLDRICK) = HELL YEAH!

I've been dreaming of a Hill/Coldrick collaboration for years; as proof, in 2020, via a bogus April Fools article, I pitched the following backup strip to a Marvel BABY HULK comic:

BABY HULK will also feature a five-page backup strip written by Hill entitled “Son of Son of Satan,” with art by Brian Coldrick. The strip follows the strange adventures of teenager Warner Hellstrom as he takes a summer road trip across America with his father Daimon Hellstrom, the supernatural superhero known as the “Son of Satan.” Accompanied by Warner’s diabolically flatulent pet corgi, Erebus, the father and son deal with their challenging relationship issues while fighting monsters in every haunted town along their journey.

“The strip’s central thesis is that the only thing worse than being the son of Satan is being the son of Son of Satan,” said Hill. “Son of Son of Satan is meant to be a funny counterbalance to the poignant dread of the main feature, but it still has its fair share of decapitations and projectile vomiting.”

Hill, who wrote the introduction to Coldrick’s collection of horror comics, BEHIND YOU: ONE-SHOT HORROR STORIES, had high praise for Coldrick’s work. “I’ve been a fan of Coldrick’s art for a long time. He can create an entire horror story in one panel, and he’s the perfect artist for this strip.”


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Happy Halloween Joe & Thanx for the love letter entitled Locke & Key

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A new, free story? My mind—and wallet—love it!

I gotta tell you Joe: we are of the same vintage. Last week, I went for my walk and was listening to the Short Box show. It got to the part where you started talking about a "Spider-Man storybook, with a record..." and I said (aloud) "Draco!", a split second before you said it. I also had that, and haven't thought about it in DECADES.

I promptly looked it up on youtube when I got home and it's there. (of course it is). I was amazed at how I still knew the cadence of all the dialogue. Thanks for resurfacing that memory!

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Joe, do you have any ideia about what they are going to do with Black Phone 2? Are you involved in any way? When writing the short story, you imagined a follow up by any chance?

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Congrats on Black Phone 2!

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Hey Joe, I would love to buy signed copies of your books. Do you ship to Ireland?

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When Evil Lurks https://g.co/kgs/GtJJJ4

Hey Joe & Fandom, I just completed viewing this beaut of a truly disgusting film & I think you have competition in the creepy kids club along with your father. The goat scene got me but not for the immediate reason you think & it just escalates from there! I sincerely hope you enjoy this delightful feast! Hell feel free to let me know what you think!

Tally Hoe, wait did he say count your sluts?

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Loaded is an entertaining and pretty interesting short story. That said, it continues being a mystery to me, even after the ending was kindly explained to me by a fellow reader. This is a compliment. Happy Halloween!!

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